Make the most of your adventure and save with our local partners discount program.
They have everything you need from camping gear to camper rentals and caving adventures, and all at a friendly local’s price. Get the insider’s deal by booking your adventure with us and add on these amazing perks to complete your vacation.
Whale Watching
One of the biggest draws to whale watching in Victoria is the opportunity to see whales almost year-round. Boarding tours in the heart of downtown Victoria, Prince of Whales employs experts in both tour operations and marine biology. Take 20% off when booking with us!
Salt Spring Adventures
Lush forests and ever-changing beaches, a wealth of artists and creative people, delicious bounty fresh from the farm – Salt Spring is a place that remembers what community is about. Our greatest travel adventures are those where we get to experience a place through the eyes of the locals, whether it’s the stories behind the big attractions or the lesser-taken path to hidden sites.
Underground Caving Adventure
Horne Lake Caves offers amazing underground caving for all levels of adventure and comfort. Take 15% off when you book with us!
Cabin Rentals
Handsome Dan’s offer the greatest variety of cottage rentals in Port Renfrew. All cottages are privately owned and decorated to the owner’s taste. Each offering their own unique charm and features.
Adventure Rentals
Take Off Adventure Rentals offers a selection of bikes, kayaks, camping equipment and paddle boards to complement your adventure. Take 10% off when you book though us!
The Royal BC Museum, which includes the provincial archives and IMAX® Victoria, is one of the oldest continually operating museums in Canada.